Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Too Much To Handle

My shoulders ache, my neck is tight, my whole body feels stiff when I roll out of bed these mornings. Isn't it amazing that our body reacts as if it were literally carrying a heavy load when in fact the load is not physical at all. Anything but. It is emotional, mental, spiritual, but not physical. I think it is a more than perfect example of how the things that we wage war against are not flesh and blood but spirit. A spiritual battle with very natural repercussions.

I was reminded today of the fact that God draws near to us when we draw near to Him. A meeting in the middle if you will.

I remind myself that we are promised not to be given more than we can bear. Possibly because we are not meant to shoulder any of the burden. I am learning how to cast my burdens, and I think my shoulders will thank me for it. My chiropractor will miss me though.

1 comment:

Reed and Kelli said...

i love the way you write and share your heart. this is AWESOME! i have a feeling i'll be a frequent visitor for sure.