Saturday, September 20, 2008

Panic Sets In

Why do we live in the city of those most churches and have the smallest faith? Nashvillians seem to panic about everything. When it calls for snow we strip the grocery store shelves, stocking up on bread and water and all such necessities. We close our schools when the first flake hits the ground. At the threat of a tornado we haul everything out of closets and crawl in them ourselves. Of course I believe in taking precautions and I don't dare act in the presumption that "it will never happen to me" but half the time we cause our own problems as the simple result of our panic. For example, this gas crisis that would not be a crisis had we not acted in such haste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's CRAZY!! i had to go to 4 gas stations on thursday before i could find gas.

great perspective.....on Faith. I'm right there with you. So true!!