Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A First

There is something very freeing to know that I am writing to and for nobody at this particular moment yet it still has a much more vulnerable feel than if I were confiding in my journal alone. Chances are small that anyone but myself will ever pore over those pages. I'm not sure why I felt compelled to start a blog, and I'm not certain that I'll keep it up but it's worth a go. 

It is late. Past time to write with any sort of alertness and I stumble over my sloppy typing which, thankfully for the backspace, you will not have to endure. Let's just say it is taking me a lot longer than you'd think to type out these two paragraphs. 

I don't have any great hopes or expectations for this page beyond the enjoyment of the layout of my thoughts with a computer doing most of the laying-out. I am not antagonistic, manipulative, or argumentative so please do not receive my thoughts as invitation to a great debate. That is not my intent. 

If you find yourself here, well here I am. A piece of me anyhow. It's good to know you.


1 comment:

Laurel said...

I'm glad you have a space to write in, perhaps it will inspire you further... even if it is just ramblings. Love you.