Thursday, October 23, 2008


 "All of these lines across my face, tell you the story of who I am". - Brandi Carlile

How is it that in one day I get mistaken for a teenager and I have this picture taken with such distinct age lines I can't even believe? It's not that I even hate the lines or fear them and what they might symbolize. It's just so new to see such physical proof that I am "growing up" and life is really happening all around me. I suppose I should be thankful for each and every time that someone thinks I'm 17, who knows if it will last. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

100 Things you Didn't Know About Me?

I'm going to try to list 100 little known things about me. Mny of these strange quirk are known by those closest to m but maybe I can throw in one or two to stump them ;) I think this is going to be harder than I think but here goes:

1. I can't drink milk from anyone's refrigerator but my own, even though I don't drink milk..I only have it in cereal or bake with it. But it grosses me out to drink milk anywhere else...even my parent's house so don't be offended.
2. I almost joined the National Guard-I probably would have done it if it weren't for the video of them coldly jabbing you with needles as you prepared for training. I conquered the idea of the gas chamber but the needles? breaker.
3. I loved the name Henrietta when I was younger. I thought it was the most beautiful name I'd ever  heard.
4. I was 18 when I had my first kiss.
5. I bet I could beat you in  burping contest...seriously
6. I'm a rotten delegator
7. I like noise. Background noise at least. The quiet makes me uncomfortable.
8. Of all the guys on Empire Records, I liked Joe
9. I can quote the majority of the movie "Clueless"
10. I'm a grammar fanatic, especially with words being pronounced correctly
11. Once upon a time I was a very stubborn ass.
12. I am extremely claustrophobic
13. I was addicted to old school Nick at Nite. Taxi, Mary Tyler Moore, Get Smart, etc.
14. I used to read myself to sleep every night when I was little and before I got in bed I put the books in order of how I wanted to read them
15. I have to eat a handful of skittles in order from least favorite to favorite: orange, yellow, purple, green, red
16. I cannot watch Christmas movies or listen to Christmas music until Thanksgiving.
17. I used to think winter was one of my favorite seasons and I have slowly become a summer girl. While I love the idea of cold weather and cozy fires and good smells the reality of heavy coats that you don't know what to do with once you get inside, cold sheets, cold floors when you wake up in the morning, getting dark at 4 p.m., completely unmotivate me to even get out of bed in the morning.
18. No matter how hard I try I cannot make my make-up routine longer than 15 minutes and usually more like 5.  
19. My ideal height has always been 5'6 and though I literally prayed every day for God to make me taller I am still only 5'2
20. I'm super sentimental and keep ticket stubs, notes passed in high school, letters I receive and copies of letters I write, old instant message conversations, etc etc. 
21. I still sleep with an old stuffed animal named Rufus. He just fits perfectly right on my chest under my neck
22. I have always favored the underdog
23. I am a rule-follower. I am married to a risk taker. This means me getting very flustered when he decides to make a U-turn when I am staring at a sign with a U and a line through it!
24. I love justice and I hate it when people get way with things without paying the consequence. Of course exceptions are made if it is grace extended to them.
25. I'm not much of a fan of a clean-shaven guy. I like scruff. 
26. I love coffee. Black
27. Sometimes I go to Strabucks or Dunkin Donuts not because I feel the need for the caffeine but because I feel the need for a little something to look forward to
28. I am very pragmatic. My husband has helped me become more of a dreamer but it's hard for me to invest my thoughts on something unless it is a near reality
29. I would love to live in Alaska for a few months. It's a dream of mine to see the Aurora Borealis.
30. I love the idea of going places but I hate the getting there. I get motion sickness and tired really easily when I travel
31. I wonder if I'll ever live near the ocean again
32. It's hard for me to break beyond what is comfortable.
33. I hate surprises (most of the time) I need time to prepare
34. I'm a terrible procrastinator. 
35. I once told my sister to go to hell. It was a long time ago and I still feel bad about it if I think of it. Oh yeah which leads me to....
36. I have a quick temper though it is much much better than it once was
37. My idea of romance is simple. I'd rather be home with  good movie and great conversation than dressed up and out at a frou-frou restaurant.
38. I am very uncomfortable in fancy places. No matter who I'm with I never feel like I belong...even as simple a place as a nice salon/spa
39. I hate being the center of attention. I like being behind-the-scenes.
40. Quality Time is my love language.
41. I feel so much better when I have a tan
42. I have stood at Platform 9 3/4
43. I only like movies and music that are happy. there's enough reality of heartbrokeness and death and loss in life so I want a movie with none of those things.
44. I usually have a list for every day of my life.
45. I hated the movie Titanic
46. I usually hate the really popular movies. 
47. I have gifts I am too afraid to use
48. I did not get along with my 1st grade teacher, 3rd grade teacher, 4th grade teacher, high school youth pastor, science teacher substitute, off and on with my Literature teacher, and my Biology teacher...think I had authority issues? Yup.
49. I once attempted to run away from 3rd grade because they were going to give my hamster's babies away. (they had been our class pet). I put those hamsters in my backpack and got as far as the bathroom before I realized I didn't know where else to go.
50. I take 20-30 minute showers
51. I love traditions.
52. I have a photographic memory...this and fairly good discernment are two of the things I am most thankful for in life
53. I never went through a rebellious phase. A stubborn and slightly moody phase, yes but never rebellious. The Lord has always had my heart.
54. I think I fear rejection more than I ever realized even in circumstances or with people who I know would never reject me.
55. I really hate football. It's the only sport I just cannot get into. 
56. I have so many things I want to do in life but never spend enough time on one thing to accomplish it which is probably why I am usually reading 5 books at one time.
57. I wish fame didn't exist and that no one person was thought to be better or more interesting than anyone else.
58. I almost never forget a face. Occasionally a name, though it is rare but never a face.
59. I have nothing to say when I'm in a big group but usually a lot to say one on one.
60. I love to love the unloveable
61. I have a few business ideas and just need the start-up money to do them
62. I love the Disney Channel!
63. I have sat front row at 2 or 3 Harry Connick Jr. concerts
64. Jayme thinks I have too many me I don't
65. I once threw my shoes at Jayme when he trapped me in the closet in an argument about wearing practical shoes to the zoo...hahahaha I'm laughing just remembering it.
66. I don't very often get told that I look like anyone famous...I very often get told that I look like my sister. I'll take it!
67. I love family vacations...I never laugh so hard!
68. I hate crowds of people
69. I hate sleeping late (with a few exceptions), I always feel like the day is already gone
70. Everything in my purse or diaper bag has a very specific spot assigned to it
71. I can be extremely organized and a little messy all at the same time
72. I have texture issues with food. 
73. I have almost passed out many times but never actually blacked out
74. I really got to that whole "screaming woman in labor" point with Evangeline. 
75. My heart breaks for every child who does not have someone who adores them unconditionally, cares for them, protects them, takes joy in them- and I know I am supposed to do something about it.
76. I do NOT work well under pressure. If pressure's on I usually quit before I begin
77. I can't stand it when things get super intense, be it a game, a movie, tv show. It takes everything in me not to change the channel
78. I'm usually a fairly quiet person but when I'm around people I'm comfortable with I can get pretty loud...I know it's bad when MY husband tells me to keep it down
79. I'm not competetive in the least
80. I have a lot of pity for people...even those who really don't deserve it. I can't help it.
81. I played basketball and softball once upon a time. I won Most Improved player in softball and I'm still not sure if that's a compliment ;)
82. I have a habit of looking at the clock on the 53rd minute
83. I love the color green
84. I adore seeing baby pictures of people. I just love to see the history of one life and I'm constantly amazed at how some traits we have have been with us for as long as we can remember. I enjoy God's unique creativity from person to person
85. Free people is my favorite brand of clothing
86. I think I could literally buy every single thing in Anthropologie
87. I don't trust doctors very often...trying to be balanced in that
88. I have a lot of conspiracy theories and can be a little neurotic at times
89. I lock the doors to my car even if I'm only going inside for a minute
90. Wal-Mart gives me anxiety. I wait in the car any chance I can
91. Barnes and Noble is my peaceful place
92. I act like an idiot around people I really respect...I almost push them away, not sure why
93. Even though they put the words on the street backwards so you read it like "Bike Lane" or "Right Turn Only" I still read them as "Lane Bike" and "Only Turn Right" 
94. I suffer from inappropriate laughter syndrome
95. I remember falling alseep on the couch as a kid and groggily waking up as my dad carried me up the stairs to bed, usually because my foot hit the wall. 
96. I completely detest roller coasters. The stuff of nightmares for me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Relecting on Deception

Dirty Dancing. Yes, the movie that makes all of us girls of the 80s and 90s go "awwww". I was randomly thinking about it the other night and how I watched it without a clue about most of what was going on, especially the abortion scence. I believe I was 7 the first time I saw it at my friend's birthday sleepover and have loved it ever since. I was thinking of that particular scene and how when I was younger I never understood why Baby's dad was so upset with her for having a "sick" friend. I didn't understand what they had asked him to do. I think about it her parents were portrayed as old foagie stick-in-the muds. They didn't get it. They were dull with tradition. And oh how we all hated them for "putting Baby in a corner" and how we all cheered when Johnny rescued her from their cold grip. 

How twisted. How incredibly backwards. The way they drew the characters you wanted to love what was evil and hate what was good. It's so hard for me to see the reality in a movie that is so sentimental to me but it just made me aware of how many times they do this in media. There is a word for it and Dr. Grant forgive me, but I can't remember! It's a word for when we glorify the criminal and detest the law, the right...all based on how their image is portrayed. Ocean's 11 for instance. Another favorite. But really?? I find myself rooting for the thief. Saddened when they're caught and anticipating their escape. 

It all seems harmless enough. Do I feel like I have been influenced to the point of law-breaking or rebellion based on the subtleties? No, I don't. Has my image of what and who is interesting, intriguing, funny, or boring, stodgy, and tight been skewed as a result of media? Yes, I'd say so. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Stream of Consciousness

As I go through my days so many thoughts and rambling go through my head, I'm sitting now blankly trying to retrieve them from their buried hiding spots in the back of my mind. It's been a week or so since I've posted anything and I'm trying to stay on top of it. I suppose since so much has been going on in the realm of family my "family blog" has been more recently updated. I haven't had a lot of time to dwell on my own thoughts and focus inward.

At the moment, Jayme is at church. Evangeline is sleeping (and not feeling well) and I just finished a bowl of tomato soup (a current favorite of mine) and sprouted english muffins with peanut butter. That's dinner. My laptop is still broken so I swipe Jaymes' most of the day. Alf is on t.v.! It's quite amazing that this show was as popular as it was. But because it's sentimental, I love it.

Though one of my primary thoughts these last few days has been pondering the demise of our culture with the growth of media. I can't say for sure that this is the leading cause of the downfall of moral standard and absolutes in our culture and generation, but I'm pointing my finger that way. It is truly nothing short of sick what we see and hear these days. This new show "Dirty Sexy Money" -hmmm, if the name doesn't say it all. And not long ago I saw a preview for Gossip Girl where the reviews promoted it from the angle of "a parent's worst nightmare". Nice. And it was even to my disappoint recently to see a clip from the new High School Musical 3 where a character was doing a sort of re-creation of 'Chicago' wearing a very skimpy outfit and dancing seductively. This, more than all may have upset me most simply because I know so many children who love the High school musicals and will undoubtably make the trip to the theater to see this one. It angers me for kids to have found a current movie that they can gravitate to, sing along with, and watch a hundred times over and to watch that movie and cast slowly subject itself to the same standard that everything else in Hollywood does, especially once it has already captured its audience. And I do mean capture.

All I know is that if our eyes stay on the media, not just Hollywood but even the news - local news, CNN, FoxNews, news entertainemt-John Stewart, Oprah, Bill Maher, The View, etc. we will have no hope and vision for the future. We'll see things how they see things. We'll see the future how they perceive it to happen. We'll rob ourselves of the ability to be surprised by God, we'll limit His ability to move...don't forget Jesus couldn't do miracles in his own home town because of the atmosphere of unbelief that resided there. He in all his sovereignty was unable to accomplish what He desired to do because of us. I myself need the reminder to watch what I'm watching.

See...I knew if I just started typing I'd find something to ramble about.