Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Relecting on Deception

Dirty Dancing. Yes, the movie that makes all of us girls of the 80s and 90s go "awwww". I was randomly thinking about it the other night and how I watched it without a clue about most of what was going on, especially the abortion scence. I believe I was 7 the first time I saw it at my friend's birthday sleepover and have loved it ever since. I was thinking of that particular scene and how when I was younger I never understood why Baby's dad was so upset with her for having a "sick" friend. I didn't understand what they had asked him to do. I think about it now...how her parents were portrayed as old foagie stick-in-the muds. They didn't get it. They were dull with tradition. And oh how we all hated them for "putting Baby in a corner" and how we all cheered when Johnny rescued her from their cold grip. 

How twisted. How incredibly backwards. The way they drew the characters you wanted to love what was evil and hate what was good. It's so hard for me to see the reality in a movie that is so sentimental to me but it just made me aware of how many times they do this in media. There is a word for it and Dr. Grant forgive me, but I can't remember! It's a word for when we glorify the criminal and detest the law, the right...all based on how their image is portrayed. Ocean's 11 for instance. Another favorite. But really?? I find myself rooting for the thief. Saddened when they're caught and anticipating their escape. 

It all seems harmless enough. Do I feel like I have been influenced to the point of law-breaking or rebellion based on the subtleties? No, I don't. Has my image of what and who is interesting, intriguing, funny, or boring, stodgy, and tight been skewed as a result of media? Yes, I'd say so. 


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh....we are so the same in this!!!

I was about 13 and saw Dirty Dancing at the theater with my mom, my best friend and her mom...

It was a learning moment in my life. I also didn't understand that part of the movie and asked my mom about it.

It was when I learned what abortion is and that it was illegal (in the time of the movie).

Thank God my mom is who she is and answered my questions as I asked them, but age appropriately.

I love the movie--the music, the quotes, the summer, the family etc.

Still, I associate it with learning about abortion. :(

Media...without responsible parenting it can be dangerous, glamourizing and irresponsible.

I thank God for my parents. ♥


Jennifer Michelle said...

Hey, Where did you see Dirty Dancing.. Jason and I were just reading your blog. Your daughter is adorable he kept saying that is a cute cute baby... he is awesome. We just got back from vacation but responding to your post I will fill you in when i have some time. I need your email?