Monday, August 10, 2009


I need help. I feel like I need a constant companion to go throughout my day with. Someone to help me process ideas and encourage creativity. Right now I can feel things on the inside of me, creativity screaming to get out, but I feel like it's locked away and I am far from finding the key.

It's really a lose/lose with me. When I have all the time in the world to explore my creativity I am fraught with feelings of loneliness and do my absolute best to distract myself every moment of the day, thereby accomplishing little if anything at all.

If anyone has a solution please do make it known.


Stephanie Sofka said...

I am right here with you. I feel like I am running around in circles, knowing what I need to get done and what I WANT to get done, but neither of these goals happen. :( When I figure it out, I will let you know. Hang in there.

edenfrangipane said...

let's be creative together.